Shannon Keegan

Shannon is a mom, wife, swim efficiency coach, marathon swimmer, and podcaster. A SwimMastery Fundamentals, Advanced, and High Performance Certified Coach, Shannon seeks to inspire swimmers to rethink their swimming practice, keep their shoulders safe, and commit to learning how to move efficiently in the water in order to take on big challenges, whether their first 25 meters or their next 25 miles.

A competitive pool swimmer from age 7 to 17, she traded in her latex cap for a water polo cap in college then dabbled in triathlon. Still terrified of "what lurks beneath", Shannon stopped pretending she could bike and run and committed to open water swimming in 2009. After her first 10K at Bermuda Round the Sound in 2010, she's gone on to pursue longer and longer distances each year, including 59 km in the gem of the Adirondacks, Lake George, and a 25 hour pioneering swim of the Waitukubuli Sea Trail on the island nation of Dominica. In August of 2023, Shannon set the record for the fastest crossing of Loch Ness in Scotland covering the 36km from Loch End to Fort Augustus in 10 hours and 28 minutes.

Having embraced a long history of performance anxiety and fear of the open water, Shannon turned to coaching swimmers in pursuit of their personal limits in 2018. In 2020, Shannon started the podcast, Marathon Swim Stories (170 episodes and counting) to highlight the remarkable stories of swimmers, how they got started and why they keep going. Listen on your favorite podcast provider or at Marathon Swim Stories. Join Shannon's network of swimmers looking to get better - in every sense of the word: Swim Better Community