Swim with Confidence. Protect Yourself with Sharkbanz

Sharkbanz is the world’s first active shark deterrent band, trusted by thousands of swimmers and ocean enthusiasts. Designed with simplicity in mind, Sharkbanz provides a layer of safety without chemicals, batteries, or messy alternatives. Perfect for open water swimmers, Sharkbanz uses innovative technology to help you feel secure and protected.

How Sharkbanz Works:

  • Backed by Research: Independent studies conducted by marine biologists have proven the effectiveness of magnetic technology in deterring various species of sharks. Research from institutions like the Government of Western Australia shows that Sharkbanz significantly reduces unwanted shark interactions.

  • No Harm to Sharks: Sharkbanz doesn’t harm sharks or disrupt their natural behavior—it simply keeps them at a safe distance, allowing you to swim safely.

Swim Freely, Fearlessly

Open water swimmers face unique challenges in ocean environments, from waves to wildlife. Sharkbanz provides peace of mind, enabling you to focus on performance and enjoyment rather than worry about sharks.

  • Enhanced Safety: Whether training for a triathlon, swimming for recreation, or embarking on an adventure, Sharkbanz adds an extra layer of protection.

  • Peace of Mind: Sharkbanz allows you to fully immerse yourself in the open water experience without anxiety.

  • Adventure Ready: Designed for all water conditions—whether in clear blue waters or murkier environments, Sharkbanz works effectively.

How to Use Sharkbanz

Using Sharkbanz is as easy as putting on a wristwatch. Here’s how you can wear and maintain it:

  • Wearing Your Sharkbanz: Strap Sharkbanz securely around your wrist or ankle before entering the water.

  • Avoiding Metal: Keep Sharkbanz away from metal objects while wearing and storing to maintain its magnetism.

  • Rinse After Use: After every swim, rinse your Sharkbanz in fresh water to ensure it stays clean and effective.

  • Tip: Sharkbanz requires no charging or special maintenance, so you can focus on enjoying your swim without worrying about upkeep.

Are You ready to swim with confidence? Get your Sharkbanz today and enjoy your time in the water without worry!


Thank you Sharkbanz!
While swimming at Stuart Beach (FL), I was quite far out wearing my fins and enjoying body surfing off the sand bar. I didn’t hear the lifeguard’s whistle to clear the swimmers from the water. A Tiger Shark (4-5 feet long) was seen swimming back and forth parallel to shore. As I’m swimming to shore, the shark turns towards me and follows me, getting closer and closer. The water was crystal clear. When he was within about 6 feet of me, the lifeguard noticed he veered away, and it never came near me again.
— Nicky C, Stuart, FL
I Always Wear Mine Now

I got my Sharkbanz 2-3 years ago when Great White sightings picked up off my local break near Santa Barbara. On July 4, I was swimming next to my SUP when a 8-10 ft White did a pass on the other side of my board. I was trying to get back on my board and out of the water when it circled back on my side. Just as I thought it was gonna either bump me off or take a chomp (maybe neither but I was pretty shook), I reflexively kicked out my foot with my Sharkbanz on, and the White did a quick 90 degree turn and swam away fast like in your videos! I was stoked as hell but got ashore fast. Needless to say, I always wear it now.
— Scott F, Carpinteria, CA